Essentials of a Successful Hybrid Work Model

  Published : September 6, 2023
  Last Updated: May 14, 2024
essentials of a hybrid work model


Today many companies find themselves comfortable with the idea of offering their employees flexible working arrangements. Yes, this is the new normal, one of employee empowerment, that meets the needs of employers and employees perfectly.

Companies are realizing that this hybrid workforce model is here to stay and that it can significantly boost employee productivity and satisfaction. According to a We Work study, a whopping 79% of managers say that they will allow their employees to divide their time between the office and remote working if their role calls for it.

Supporting this study is Robert Half’s research which shows that nearly 49% of employees would prefer a hybrid work arrangement. With less time spent on commuting, employees believe they can utilize those hours on training, education and spending more time with family. Interestingly, up to 64% of employees will even gladly pay for access to an office space close to home if it means reducing commute.

Moreover, with numerous digital tools available at their disposal, companies have found it rather easy to adapt to this new model with astonishing speed. However, if leaders and managers are looking to make a hybrid workforce a permanent part of their working arrangement, they need to get it right. There needs to be a definite shift to designing a hybrid model that prioritizes individual requirements, and not just the company’s needs.

Done right, everyone can enjoy the benefits of the hybrid work model which has the potential to make life flexible, agile, productive and purposeful.

Read more: Hybrid Working Model is Here to Stay – Doing Hybrid Right!

Here are five critical aspects of the hybrid model to consider before going all out:

1. Equip the hybrid Workforce With the Right Tools

When everyone first began to work from home, organizations made do with whatever tools were available simply to get started. For long-term hybrid working to be effective and successful, organizations will need to provide specifically-built, ultra-portable devices with features, such as lightweight, long battery power, etc. designed to make it possible to shift between office, home or any other location with ease.

2. Create a Conducive Office Environment

It’s not enough to hand out the right tools. Organizations must pay close attention to creating an office space where the dispersed workforce can create connections with each other quickly and securely. This will foster collaboration and reduce the possibility of silo thinking.

3. Facilitate Informal Communication

Not every discussion or meeting needs to be conducted through official channels and scheduled meetings. Sometimes people need to huddle quickly and have informal gatherings that are instrumental for better integration and collaboration. Companies need to ensure there are avenues, in practice and via technology, where these can be made possible.

4. Update Corporate Policy

Hybrid teams and fully-remote teams are not the same and therefore require corporate policies that address their needs correctly. Rules, such as where employees are allowed to work, the digital tools and equipment that they will be provided, the number of hours they must work, as well as some basic expectations, must be put in place for a smooth transition to the hybrid model of working.

5. Outsource IT and Tech to an External Provider

The hybrid model will necessitate the use of multiple devices, both within and outside the organization. These devices need to be connected to each other. Instead of utilizing internal resources, engaging an external service provider early on can make IT management easier.

The way we work has definitely changed and it is time to get on board the new normal. As companies transition to hybrid working, they’ll have to keep in mind this is not a step back to earlier norms. It’s a new opportunity for organizations that can help them leverage the best of both worlds. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution; and while some restructuring may be required, organizations could take time to find the perfect approach to maximize productivity and improve employee satisfaction.

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