ProHanceCX logo

An advanced Full suite WFM solution for contact centers covering all aspects of Forecasting, Scheduling, Capacity Planning, Intraday Management for enhanced customer experience.

  • Available as SaaS, adaptable to your requirements
  • Effortless deployment, live within 2 weeks
  • Reduce OPEX costs with included value-added services
The only self-operating Workforce
                     Optimization software
ProHanceCX automates workforce planning,scheduling 15,000 employees in 2 minutes
                     and 4 seconds
ProHanceCX logo

Powered with Higher Forecasting Accuracy, Real-time Management & Scheduling at fractional cost than traditional tools.

Use Cases

This is an anonymous, real-life example of a call center operator in the Netherlands. We compared data when using a traditional WFM software vs ProHanceCX logo . Please note how our computation accurately follows the traffic: click on the red square in the graph legend to see it.

Use Cases
Contact centre industry
Contact centre industry

ProHanceCX logo results

ProHanceCX  results Improving service levels per day by 15.3%
ProHanceCX  results 30% reduction in manual workload
ProHanceCX  results 46% reduction in labor cost
ProHanceCX  results 40% fewer service level breaches

Challenges across the Industry

How ProHanceCX Helps

time reduction

Technology Spend


Increased Effort

staff occupancy

Capacity Mismatch


Employee Experience

ProHanceCX logo Key Benefits

time reduction

Up to 80%

Reduction in Overtime Hours


50 – 75%

Reduction in Staffing Variance

staff occupancy

7 – 10%

Improvement in Staff Occupancy Levels


60 – 80%

Reduction in Manual processes


5 – 10%

Improvement in Agent Turnover

increase control

4 – 10X

Increase span of control


We address all areas of Workforce Optimization


ProHanceCX's AI predictive analytics module transforms historical data into future forecasts with a single click. It allows for easy application of seasonal adjustments to avoid irregular patterns. Additionally, the module pre-verifies the historical data to ensure a stable statistical profile.


ProHanceCX’s transparent simulator serves as the central engine for all capacity calculations. It employs suitable statistical models to deliver precise outputs for various environments, regardless of constraints. Even complex environments, such as omni-channel scenarios in call centers, are accurately modeled, producing exceptional results.


ProHanceCX enables automatic planning for a day, a week, or a month with a single click. For unique situations requiring specific adjustments, ProHanceCX’s planning can be finely tuned to meet your needs. Additionally, ProHanceCX demonstrates impressive scalability by efficiently planning for up to 15,000 employees in just three minutes.


Intraday management

ProHanceCX’s intraday module guarantees fully compliant skill-based planning and facilitates comprehensive strategic personnel management. By managing capacity based on predicted future activities, it provides detailed gap analyses that can be seamlessly translated into training and hiring programs.

Realtime Capacity Monitor

ProHanceCX’s AI predictive analytics module generates patterns out of real-time inbound data. Using these patterns ProHanceCX’s AI module predicts narrow future variations of the real-time inbound data and feeds them as input to the simulator; hence the simulator predicts any change in resources for the narrow future. The planning is adapted instantly through ProHanceCX’s on-the-fly planning function.

Time Registration

ProHanceCX’s Time Registration function provides flexible means for accurate time recording. Any type of allowances can be defined and automatically applied on the time registration data. After due validation, the data can be submitted automatically to payrolls systems, via different types of protocols.

Quadruple your planners’ span of control

Research shows a full time planner can control and plan roughly 150 FTEs. ProHanceCX increases your planner’s span of control by at least 4 times to 600 FTEs. Besides achieving efficiency improvements, planners have more time to focus on customer and employee communication.


Why Choose ProHanceCX logo ?

With your key planner departing, the specific skills and details of each employee may be lost, requiring you to rebuild this knowledge from scratch.

When an employee calls in sick at the last minute, you must quickly find a replacement with the appropriate skills, verify their availability, ensure compliance with local regulations and collective agreements, and contact potential replacements until you secure someone for the shift.

An auditor must verify that all employees have the required skills, certifications, and adhere to labor laws. If employees are found working without proper certifications or exceeding allowable hours, your organization could face fines and penalties from regulatory bodies.

Some employees possess expired certificates, rendering them ineligible for work. Relying on Excel overviews increases the risk of missing renewals due to the absence of early warnings.

Following the acquisition of a major new client, poised to double your company's size in both employees and revenue, meticulous capacity planning becomes crucial. Should you encounter surplus hires and unforeseen expenses post-contract completion, precise planning is essential for continued success.

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