What Is Strategic Management and Why Is It Important?

  Published : September 25, 2023
  Last Updated: June 27, 2024
What Is Strategic Management and Why Is It Important?


Consider running a business to be similar to driving a car on a road trip. You need a map or GPS to make sure you get to your destination, right? That “map” is known as a business strategy in the business world. This strategy is similar to a plan that will help your business succeed in the long run, much like a GPS will guide you on your journey.

What is the key to making this strategy work? It all comes down to making wise decisions and structuring your business so that you can profit in the long run. That is your ultimate goal to make enough money to keep your company running smoothly and expanding.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about what is strategic management, including its benefits, process, and importance, as well as examples of strategic management.

What Is Strategic Management?

Strategic management entails creating and implementing plans to assist an organisation in meeting its goals and objectives. This process may include strategy formulation, organisational structure and resource allocation planning, change initiative leadership, and process and resource control. 

Identifying business challenges, selecting the best strategy, monitoring progress, and then making adjustments to the executed strategy to improve performance are all part of strategic planning. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis tools are used to determine where opportunities and threats exist between the organisation, its competitors, and the overall market.

Strategic management takes place at higher levels, such as organisational leadership, but it can also be implemented at the department or team level.

Strategic Management Process

Source- https://financesonline.com/35-essential-project-management-statistics-analysis-of-trends-data-and-market-share/

Let’s go over the 5 stages of the strategic management process.

  1. Identify Goals: All business processes should be aimed at achieving a specific goal. Whether it is overall profitability or a specific acquisition, it is critical to be clear on this goal from the start.
  2. SWOT analysis: It is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This strategic analysis aids in comprehending the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors that are likely to contribute to or obstruct business growth.
  3. Creating strategy: This is the most important step, as it entails developing the actual strategy for allocating the business’s resources in the most efficient manner. Employees, money, and machinery are examples of resources, as are all of the assets owned by the company. 
  4. Implement Strategy: Once the strategies have been developed, the next step is to implement and execute them. The first step in this process is to communicate the strategy and action plan to all levels of management.
  5. Evaluation: The final step in strategic management is to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies. This entails measuring the outcomes of the strategies and making changes as needed. This step ensures that the organization is on track to meet its objectives.

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Why Strategic Management Important?

Strategic management is similar to a road map for businesses. It enables them to set clear goals, make sound decisions, and effectively adapt to changes. Businesses can stay competitive and achieve long-term success by planning ahead of time and utilising resources wisely. It’s like playing chess in business – you have to plan ahead to win. Let’s see why strategic management is important.

  1. Recognise Opportunities: To identify opportunities, strategic management is required. Investigate your organization’s internal structure to identify opportunities and strengths and weaknesses. Every team has untapped potential that requires your attention. You might even discover new ways to put existing strategies into action.
  2. Make Plans for the Future: Strategic management assists you in planning for the future. Understanding the importance of strategic management in organisations can help you prepare for contingencies. The business world is dynamic and fast-paced. Evolve and adapt your strategies to keep up with critical changes in the business world.
  3. Take Initiative: Don’t let your management style become complacent. When you are motivated by action and purpose, you can easily change policies and business plans to propel the organisation forward. A solid action plan is long-term and critical to your company’s growth and survival.
  4. Improve Organisational Structure: Working as part of a team is essential for achieving common goals. In a stressful situation, each member relies on the other for guidance. This necessitates the use of strategic management. You can consider your organization’s internal structure and make changes as needed. Only a strong organisational structure can withstand adversity.
  5. Plan and optimize human resources: Strategic management can assist in the planning and optimisation of human resources. This includes tasks such as recruiting and hiring qualified candidates, providing training and development opportunities, setting work allocation processes and fostering a positive work environment. Strategic management can help ensure optimal employee productivity by planning and optimizing teams.

Benefits Of Strategic Management

Source- https://www.clearpointstrategy.com/blog/strategic-planning-statistics

Strategic management has numerous advantages. It assists businesses in focusing on important goals, making better decisions, and utilising resources wisely. It also gets them ready for changes and challenges. Companies that have a clear plan can grow, stay ahead of competitors, and achieve long-term success. Let’s dive into the benefits of strategic management.

  1. Increased Revenue Generation: Senior executives may adjust their strategic vision to account for local realities by soliciting candid, diverse perspectives from business unit leaders. This collaborative, back-and-forth method helps a company understand its customers and, as a result, increases sales, making revenue generation one of the most important benefits of strategic management.
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  2. Increasing market share and profit: This is one of the most significant advantages of strategic management. With the help of strategic management skills, one can approach the appropriate target market. If all industries have a highly focused plan and strategic thinking, they can investigate better consumer segments, products, and services, as well as comprehend the market circumstances of the sector in which they are engaged.
  3. Aids comprehension and buy-in: Allowing the board and employees to participate in the strategic conversation allows them to better understand the direction, the rationale behind it, and the benefits it brings. While some people only need to know, many others require comprehension in order to have their full support.
  4. Enables Progress Assessment: One of the many advantages of strategic management is the ability to measure progress. As part of the strategic management process, an organisation must develop goals and success criteria. To develop targets and keep these critical metrics in front of the board and senior management, the company must first identify the factors critical to its long-term success.
  5. Planning for Optimal Resource Allocation: Strategic management is critical in optimising resource allocation within an organisation. Companies can ensure that tasks and projects are assigned to the right team members with the appropriate skills and expertise by aligning strategic goals with available resources. This ensures that resources are used efficiently, lowering the possibility of overallocation or underutilization.

Example Of Strategic Management

Let’s look at one example of strategic management to understand the concept better.

A for-profit technical college, for example, would like to increase new student enrollment and enrolled student graduation rates over the next three years. The goal is to establish the college as the best value for money among the region’s five for-profit technical colleges, with the goal of increasing revenue.

In that case, strategic management entails ensuring that the school has sufficient funds to build high-tech classrooms and hire the most qualified teachers. In addition, the college invests in marketing and recruitment, as well as student retention strategies. On a regular basis, the college’s leadership evaluates whether its goals have been met.


Strategic management is similar to a well-thought-out business game plan. It enables them to make wise decisions, adapt to changes, and effectively achieve their objectives. Companies can enjoy long-term success in a competitive world by using resources wisely and staying ahead of the curve. Are you ready to go deeper? More strategic management insights can be found on Prohance Workforce Management Software.

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