How to Track Team Productivity and Ways to Improve It

  Published : October 9, 2023
  Last Updated: June 27, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of flexible work, productivity has become both a challenge and a necessity.

As we navigate through this digital era, it’s essential to understand that tracking team productivity is not just a measure of work output but a strategic tool for enhancing performance.
In this blog, we will explore the importance of monitoring team productivity, how to measure team performance, and top tips for employee tracking. But before that, let’s take a look at how remote and hybrid work – how the culture is growing and will continue to grow in the future:

  • In 2023, approximately 12.7% of full-time workers are engaged in remote work, while around 28.2% are following a hybrid work model.
  • Based on Upwork’s findings, it is projected that by 2025, roughly 32.6 million individuals in the United States will be engaged in remote work. This percentage constitutes nearly 22% of the labor force– thus indicating an ongoing and gradual transition towards remote work setups.
  • A remarkable 98% of employees have shown a keen interest in having the option to work remotely, even if it’s on a partial basis. This statistic underscores the increasing preference within the workforce for the flexibility, independence, and improved work-life balance that remote work provides.


How to Track Team Productivity and Ways to Improve It


Therefore, with the rise in flexible work settings, it is not just important to focus on how to conduct employee performance monitoring, but you need to find ways to improve it. But why is productivity monitoring so important? Let’s take a look:

Why Tracking Team Productivity is Crucial in a Flexible Work Environment?

In remote or flexible work settings, geographic boundaries blur, and teams collaborate across time zones. In such scenarios, tracking team productivity is crucial for several reasons:

  • Accountability: Remote work can sometimes lead to a sense of anonymity. Tracking team productivity keeps employees accountable for their work, ensuring that they meet their responsibilities.
  • Performance Evaluation: Effective tracking provides a basis for evaluating employee performance objectively. It helps in identifying high performers and addressing areas where improvement is needed.

The Impact of Productivity on a Company’s Bottom Line

Productivity isn’t just about getting more done; it directly impacts your business’s financial health:

  • Cost Efficiency: Increased team productivity means getting more value from the same resources, leading to cost savings.
  • Competitive Advantage: Productive teams can outperform competitors, gaining an edge in the market.
  • Customer Satisfaction: High team productivity often translates to better customer service and satisfaction, which, in turn, can drive revenue growth.


The Impact of Productivity on a Company's Bottom Line


How to measure team performance and track team productivity?

Since you’ve a clear understanding of how enhanced team productivity can offer exceptional outcomes for your business, let’s explore how to track team productivity:

Leverage Time Tracking Software

One of the fundamental methods for tracking productivity is through time-tracking software.

  • Time tracking tools allow your team members to log their work hours accurately.
  • Precise time tracking in a team productivity dashboard helps you understand where their employees’ time is spent during the workday.

Read more: How to Use Time Tracking Software for Productivity Analytics and Insights

Prohance provides detailed reports on time allocation, which can be analyzed to identify time sinks and areas for optimization.


Leverage Time Tracking Software


Determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are quantifiable metrics that reflect progress toward specific goals. For example, common productivity-related KPIs for employee performance monitoring may include sales targets, customer satisfaction scores, and project completion rates.

ProHance allows businesses to customize KPIs to align with their unique productivity objectives.

Utilize Task and Project Management Features

Task and project management features enable you and your teams to organize and prioritize tasks. These tools help you track progress on specific projects and assign responsibilities.

ProHance team productivity dashboard integrates task management with productivity tracking, offering a comprehensive view of how tasks align with overall productivity goals.

Analyze Employee Engagement Metrics

Employee engagement is closely tied to team productivity. Analyzing engagement metrics can help businesses identify disengaged team members.

ProHance offers engagement tracking tools, such as tracking response times to messages and participation in team activities, to monitor team morale.

How do you improve your team’s productivity?

Now that you know how to track team productivity, let’s take a look at how you can improve your team’s productivity.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

In remote or flexible work settings, physical supervision is limited. Therefore, setting clear goals and expectations is paramount. Here’s how goal setting can help your employees:

  • Clear goals ensure that everyone is aligned with the company’s mission and objectives.
  • Goals provide motivation and a sense of purpose for remote employees.

While setting goals for employee performance, management ensures that:

  • Clearly articulate goals and expectations to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Encourage open communication for feedback and adjustments.

Emphasize Time Management and Task Prioritization

In the fast-paced, digitally intertwined world, most business projects are time-sensitive. Whether you’re planning to release software, launch a marketing campaign, promote a product in the market, test a code, or manage resources within a company– missing the deadline can lead to business losses.

Therefore, training your employees on task prioritization and time management is essential. Not just that, you also need to monitor time management to measure team productivity.

  • Allocate specific time blocks for different tasks to maximize focus and productivity.
  • Train employees to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.
  • Minimize the scope of distractions by creating dedicated workspaces and setting clear boundaries.
  • Enable employees to monitor their work time usage and productivity labels through a custom team productivity dashboard. When employees get a clear view of their work time utilization, they’ll be more motivated to manage their time efficiently.


Emphasize Time Management and Task Prioritization


Choose the Right Productivity Monitoring Tools

Software for tracking employee productivity comes in various forms. So, how do you choose the right software for tracking employee productivity? When choosing productivity tracking tools, you can consider the following factors:

  • The tool should support automation features to make workflows seamless and minimize user interaction.
  • Ensure that the tool integrates seamlessly with other software your team uses.
  • Look for tools that can adapt to your unique productivity tracking needs, such as providing custom team productivity dashboards.

Focus on Communication and Collaboration

Communication is the lifeblood of remote teams. Without proper communication and collaboration, your entire organization’s workflow can turn into complete chaos. So, what can you do to foster a culture of open communication and improve team productivity? Here are a few tips:

  • Emphasize the importance of clear and precise communication to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Encourage your employees to provide regular updates on their progress to enhance transparency.
  • Select communication tools that facilitate seamless interaction, such as video conferencing and instant messaging apps.
  • Define communication norms, including response times and availability.
  • Organize virtual team-building activities to foster camaraderie and collaboration.

Maintain a Cycle of Continuous Feedback and Performance Reviews

Feedback is essential for growth and improvement. What best practices can you follow to conduct employee performance reviews?

  • Set a schedule for performance reviews to ensure consistency.
  • Leverage productivity tracking data from software like ProHance to track employee productivity and have objective performance evaluations.

Frequently asked questions

How can I ensure data security when tracking remote team productivity?

To ensure data security, it’s crucial to choose a productivity tracking tool with robust security features. Look for tools or platforms that offer data encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with applicable industry standards.

How to keep my remote employees engaged and motivated over the long term?

Implement strategies such as regular recognition and rewards, opportunities for professional development, and transparent communication. Employee performance monitoring tools like -ProHance can also help by identifying disengaged team members early so that you can take proactive measures.

Can remote team productivity tracking tools adapt to the unique needs of my business?

Yes, many productivity tracking tools, including ProHance, offer customization options to align with your specific business needs. You can configure the tool to track the metrics, define custom KPIs that matter most to your organization, and create team productivity dashboards, making it a tailored solution for your remote team.

Also Read:  Why Do You Need Employee Productivity Tracking Software?

Wrapping Up

The landscape of remote work is evolving, and tracking team productivity has become the compass guiding businesses toward success.

ProHance Workforce Management Software stands as your partner on this journey, offering data-driven insights to optimize performance. As the world continues to adapt, don’t miss the chance to explore ProHance and propel your team to greater heights.

The future of remote work is bright, and with the right strategies and tools, you’re poised for success.


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