Challenges & Solutions of Managing A Remote Workforce

  Published : September 27, 2022
  Last Updated: May 28, 2024


Working with remote employees: challenges & solutions

In today’s workforce, being a part of a remote team is very common. But until recently, most businesses weren’t required to work outside of their offices; thus tracking and managing productivity was not a challenge for managers. The benefits of a remote workforce have emerged slowly but surely. Having a remote workforce gives access to management to a larger talent pool and saves unnecessary overheads and costs by not needing to maintain a local office and resources essential to running a full-time office space.

Remote team efficiency analysis may be difficult, especially when you want to conduct “business as usual” and have your staff act in a way that gives them a sense of shared purpose.

Use these tips for managing a remote workforce:

Implement remote workforce management tools: Implementation of a remote workforce management tool is important because it ensures that all workers are in clear sight of a company’s business goals and vision. The right remote workforce management tool ensures that you can track and manage productivity, keep costs within budget and build a scalable business.

  • Creating schedules in synchronisation

    Building a remote workforce can greatly increase your access to talent and provide you with the chance to collaborate with people globally. However, there is a significant probability that the finest individuals you hire will reside in several time zones if you draw from a worldwide talent pool. This may occasionally be advantageous.
    Employees can stagger their efforts and perform more efficiently when they are in various time zones. When employees have compatible hours based on their locations, customer service teams, for instance, can offer 24/7 support. Team members can transfer open items to coworkers who are starting their days in another location or nation as they conclude their own.

  • Creating smoother communication channels

    Communication is crucial for team building. However, the manner, frequency, and style of your communication might be particularly significant for a remote workforce. There are several challenges with the virtual tools that remote teams employ. Emails may be misunderstood or overlooked. Messages sent via chat may appear during busy times but be forgotten later in the day. While misunderstandings may occur in conventional office environments as well, remote teams’ reliance on these tools significantly raises the chance that such situations may occur that need to be resolved quickly.

  • Cultivating a strong work culture

    Adapting conventional methods for developing a solid company culture is necessary when managing a remote workforce. For instance, always schedule in-person events or meet-ups, so that all team members can participate. It’s always easier to develop a sense of friendship when everyone gets together for coffee on Mondays. However, the effectiveness of remote work depends on establishing and maintaining a pleasant and amiable atmosphere among team members. Despite the many advantages, working remotely can occasionally feel lonely. You’ll need to foster a sense of inclusion and collaboration because distant professionals don’t engage face-to-face.

  • Increasing productivity

    Hybrid Workforce Intelligence

    It can be difficult for a remote team manager to measure worker performance and project deadlines. While you don’t want to appear to be nit-picking, you do want to be personable and willing to help your staff. Plan frequent check-ins to align teams and keep in check all tasks and timelines. A remote workforce management tool can give an update on workers’ progress and bring to light the areas they are having difficulties. In conclusion, team members can work more effectively when a foundation of trust is established and they are given room to express themselves.

  • Creating a balance between trust and accountability

    Remote workers cause concerns about productivity and accountability for some supervisors. Will professionals slack off if they work from home rather than in the office because of distractions? Avoid being a micromanager by not continually checking in; as this reduces productivity in general. You run the risk of suffocating strong workers with intrusive interference, as they thrive on more autonomy.

  • Organising efficient team gatherings

    As everyone has varied schedules, it can be challenging to gather the entire remote team for a meeting. When you can collect the entire group, ensure that the sessions are as fruitful as possible. Adhere to an agenda when your team does meet. Meeting agendas let participants focus on the most crucial issues. Additionally, because they are aware of the meeting’s purpose before it begins, it enables team members to prepare questions in advance.

Using a remote workforce management tool to track and manage productivity, effective employee management, and cohesive long-distance communication is the key to managing a remote workforce.


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