Core vs Non-Core Activities

Definition: Core activities are essential functions directly aligned with the organization's primary mission, creating a competitive advantage and contributing significantly to its success. On the other hand, non-core activities are supportive tasks that, while necessary, do not directly impact the organization's core competencies.

Characteristics of Core and Non-Core Activities:

a. Core Activities:

b. Non-Core Activities:

Challenges and Strategic Considerations in Managing Core vs Non-Core Activities:

Identifying Core Activities:

The process of distinguishing core from non-core activities can be challenging, requiring a thorough understanding of the organization's mission and strategic goals.

Strategic Outsourcing:

Determining which non-core activities to outsource involves careful consideration of cost-effectiveness, vendor selection, and potential impact on internal operations.

Adaptability to Change:

Organizations must remain adaptable to changes in market conditions, technology, and customer preferences, adjusting the balance between core and non-core activities as needed.

Other Terms:

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