Shared Services

Definition: Shared Services refer to a collaborative business model in which common support functions, resources, and processes are centralized and shared among different departments or business units within an organization. The objective is to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency by eliminating redundancies and promoting standardization.

Key Components of Shared Services:


Shared Services involve consolidating specific business functions into centralized units. This consolidation eliminates duplicate efforts, reduces operational silos, and fosters a more unified approach to delivering services across the organization.


Standardizing processes and procedures is a core element of Shared Services. By establishing common standards, organizations ensure consistency in service delivery, making it easier to manage and monitor performance metrics. Standardization also facilitates scalability and adaptability to changing business needs.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

SLAs are formal agreements that define the level of service expected from Shared Services. These agreements outline performance metrics, response times, and other critical parameters, providing a framework for accountability and continuous improvement.

Technology Integration:

Shared Services heavily rely on integrated technology solutions to facilitate seamless collaboration and information sharing. Implementing shared technology platforms enables efficient data management, enhances communication, and supports the overall success of the shared services model.

Benefits of Shared Services:

Cost Efficiency:

Centralizing common functions reduces duplication of efforts and overhead costs, leading to significant cost savings. Economies of scale are achieved as resources are optimized, and operational efficiency is enhanced.

Focus on Core Competencies:

By outsourcing routine and non-core tasks to shared service centers, organizations can redirect internal resources and expertise toward core business functions, innovation, and strategic initiatives.

Enhanced Service Quality:

Standardization and centralized management often result in improved service quality. Shared Services allow organizations to leverage specialized skills, technologies, and best practices, leading to higher levels of consistency and customer satisfaction.

Agility and Adaptability:

The Shared Services model promotes agility by facilitating rapid adjustments to organizational structures and processes. This adaptability is crucial in responding to changing market conditions and business requirements.

Other Terms:

Strategic Management  |  Succession Planning  |  Staffing Variance  |  Service Level Agreement  |  Shinkage  |  Strategic Workforce Planning  |  Screen Monitoring  |  Staff Occupancy  |  Skills Development  |  Short Day  |  Skill Set  |  Shared Services Centers  |  Screen Recording  |  Statistical Models  |  Skills Matching  |  Skill Mapping  |  Service Level Management  |  Suggested Time Break  |  Shift Work  |  

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